Vladimirs Buzajevs

Vladimirs Buzajevs or Vladimir Buzayev, (Russian: Влади́мир Ви́кторович Буза́ев), born October 8, 1951 in Zhukovka, Bryansk Region, Russia, is a Latvian politician and Member of the 8th and 9th Saeima for For Human Rights in United Latvia. Member of Latvian Human Rights Committee since 1993, Candidate degree in hydrogeology.


1982 he has defended a Candidate thesis in hydrogeology.

1989 — elected to Riga Council of People's Deputies (till 1994).

1993 — participation in foundation of Equal Rights party.

1994—2001 — co-chairman of Latvian Human Rights Committee.

1998—2001 — MP assistant.

2000 — Buzajevs becomes naturalized citizen of Latvia.

2001 — Buzajevs is elected to Riga City Council and becomes chairman of Equal Rights party (until 2007).

2002 — elected to 8th Saeima (Parliament) where he had become the most active speaker.

2006 — elected to 9th Saeima.

2007 — published book "Non-citizens of Latvia" (in Russian), elected chairman of the Board of ForHRUL (until 2009).

2008 — Buzajevs represents the applicant before the Grand Chamber of the ECtHR in case Andrejeva v. Latvia, won in 2009.

2009 — co-authors the book "Modern European Ethnocracy: Violations of Rights of National minorities in Estonia and Latvia" (in Russian; ISBN 978-5-9990-0002-6).

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